Photography,  Travel

How to get started in travel photography

If you love to travel and take pictures, then travel photography might be for you! But what is travel photography, exactly? And how do you get started?

Travel photography is all about capturing the moments and experiences of a place. It can be landscapes, people, architecture – anything that conveys the feeling of a destination. As a travel photographer, your job is to make others feel like they’re right there with you, experiencing everything that’s special about a place.

So how do you get started in this field? Here are my tips for how to get started in travel photography.

A museum in Kos, Greece

What is travel photography?

Travel photography is the kind of photography that focuses on capturing images of places, cultures, landscapes, people, and experiences encountered during one’s travels or journeys. The primary goal of travel photography is to convey the essence and atmosphere of a particular destination or location to the viewer, often telling a story or evoking emotions related to the place.

Travel photographers aim to document the uniqueness and beauty of different regions, cities, natural wonders, historical sites, and people. This might include photographing iconic landmarks, local architecture, street scenes, festivals, markets, wildlife, and more. The intention is to provide viewers with a glimpse into the world through the photographer’s lens, offering a visual narrative of their explorations and adventures.

Key elements in travel photography include composition, lighting, framing, and capturing candid moments that provide a genuine and authentic representation of the destination. Travel photographers often seek to capture not only the physical attributes of a location but also the cultural nuances, interactions, and the overall atmosphere that makes each place special.

In recent years, the rise of social media platforms and online travel publications has led to an increased demand for high-quality travel photography. Many travelers and photographers share their images on platforms like Instagram, blogs, and photography websites, contributing to the broader cultural understanding of different parts of the world. I primarily focus on posting my photos on Instagram and this blog.

How to get started in travel photography?

The most important thing you need for travel photography is a good camera. A DSLR or mirrorless camera will give you the best results, but even a good point-and-shoot camera can produce great travel photos. To learn more about what equipment I use, click here. I currently use a Nikon D610 which is a great camera for travel photography.

You’ll also want a few lens options to cover different situations. A zoom lens is essential for getting close to your subject without being intrusive, and a wide-angle lens is essential for landscapes and cityscapes.

What are the best subjects for travel photography?

There are no hard and fast rules for what makes a good subject for travel photography, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Look for interesting light, color, and texture; strong compositions; and subjects that convey a sense of place.

When you first start out in travel photography, it’s important to do your research and find out as much as you can about the subject. There are plenty of books and websites that can teach you the basics of photography, and it’s worth taking the time to learn as much as you can before you head out on your first trip.

Find a niche

One of the best ways to make your travel photos stand out is to find a niche that you can focus on. Whether it’s photographing landscapes, cityscapes, or people, try to find a subject that you’re passionate about and that will set your photos apart from the rest.

Build a portfolio

Once you’ve got a good understanding of photography basics and have found a niche that you want to focus on, it’s time to start building up your portfolio. If possible, try to get some published work under your belt before you head off on your trip – this will show potential clients that you’re serious about your work and that they can expect high-quality photos from you.

Art Noveau architecture in Riga, Latvia

Tips for taking great travel photos

Before you start taking travel photos, it’s important to get to know your camera. Learn all the features and functions of your camera so that you can make the most of it while you’re on the road. Experiment with different settings and techniques to find what works best for you.

Be patient

Patience is key when taking travel photos. Don’t try to capture everything in one shot. Instead, take your time and wait for the perfect moment to snap a photo. This way, you’ll end up with much better results.

Tell a story

Your travel photos should tell a story about your experiences on the road. Share what you’ve seen and learned through your photos, and let them inspire others to explore the world for themselves.

Show off your photos

If you take your photos and don’t show them to anyone, you won’t get far with your travel photos. Instagram has been an amazing tool for many photographers, so don’t be shy. Show us what you can do! And remember that even the photographers who take the most amazing photos were beginners once. Also, feel free to scroll all the way down on my IG feed to see my very filtered posts that did not look good. 🙂

California coast, USA


If you’re interested in capturing the beauty and essence of different cultures and destinations, then travel photography may be for you. To get started, it’s important to do your research, find a niche, and build up a strong portfolio. And when it comes time to take photos, remember to take your time, get to know your camera, and tell a story. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to taking amazing travel photos that others will enjoy for years to come.

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