35 Top tips for your first solo trip
Traveling solo for the first time can be a daunting experience. But if you know what to expect and pack accordingly, it will make your trip more enjoyable. One of my top tips is to ensure that safety comes first – this means looking into which countries have extra dangers in terms of crime rates or political unrest before booking flights (or driving). If you’re staying in one location, then I recommend doing some research on where potential hazards are located as well- such as natural disasters, dangerous wildlife, etc. Once you’ve planned out your destination with these details taken care of, there are plenty more things to do! Here…
How to take great photos of yourself when travelling solo
Ever wondered how some creators can always have new photos available of them in different places? Have they got a personal photographer going with them everywhere? It is possible they just take photos of themselves. Let me teach you how to take great photos of yourself when travelling solo! At this point about 80% of photos I post of myself on Instagram I’ve taken myself. My trips to Malta and Israel were both solo trips, so I took all my travel selfies there myself. Go have a look to see more photos that I’ve taken of myself. Have a look at my Amazon storefront to see the equipment I use! Why You Should Master Solo Photography…